Wiehler नाम का अर्थ तथा आंकड़े

प्रयोग: 1% पहला नाम, 99% उपनाम।.
1 विभिन्न देशों में, 2 बार, Wiehler पहला नाम पाया गया। (USA)
कम से कम 10 देशों में, न्यूनतम 146 बार, Wiehler उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग होता पाया गया है।
Name written with Chinese letters: 维勒 (pinyin: wéi lè)

      Surname Wiehler
दिए गए नाम
Manfred Wiehler (3)
Reinhard Wiehler (3)
Klaus Wiehler (3)
Werner Wiehler (3)
Kurt Wiehler (2)
Horst Wiehler (2)
Hermann Wiehler (2)
Ingrid Wiehler (2)
Markus Wiehler (2)
Stefan Wiehler (2)
Robert Wiehler (2)
Renate Wiehler (2)
Axel Wiehler (2)
Herbert Wiehler (2)
Nicola Wiehler (2)
Hans Wiehler (2)
Martin Wiehler (2)
Gerhard Wiehler (2)
Peter Wiehler (2)
Michael Wiehler (1)
Walter Wiehler (1)
Henry Wiehler (1)
Marianne Wiehler (1)
Karin Wiehler (1)
Karlheinz Wiehler (1)
Marina Wiehler (1)
Jan Wiehler (1)
Rotraut Wiehler (1)
Ursula Wiehler (1)
Willi Wiehler (1)
Wolf Wiehler (1)
Ewa Wiehler (1)
Uli Wiehler (1)
Tobias Wiehler (1)
Jutta Wiehler (1)
Rudolf Wiehler (1)
Ruthilde Wiehler (1)
Stefanie Wiehler (1)
Roland Wiehler (1)
Johann Wiehler (1)
Erich Wiehler (1)
Erhard Wiehler (1)
Frank Wiehler (1)
Fritz Wiehler (1)
Gabriele Wiehler (1)
Elke Wiehler (1)
Eckhard Wiehler (1)
Bernhard Wiehler (1)
Denise Wiehler (1)
Detlev Wiehler (1)
Doris Wiehler (1)
Georg Wiehler (1)
Gerda Wiehler (1)
Hildegard Wiehler (1)
Hermine Wiehler (1)
Hilmar Wiehler (1)
Bettina Wiehler (1)
Susanne Wiehler (1)
Alfred Wiehler (1)
Hartwick Wiehler (1)
Gerlinde Wiehler (1)
Gisela Wiehler (1)
Hartmut Wiehler (1)
Helmut Wiehler (1)
Anna Wiehler (1)

Surname Wiehler in Germany   Surname Wiehler in USA   

Wiehler का उल्टा Relheiwहोता है
इस नाम में 7 अक्षर हैं, जिनमें से 42.86% स्वर और 57.14% व्यंजन हैं।

विपर्यय: Weirhel Hliwree Wiherle Ierhelw Lrehwei Riwehel Reilehw Hewreil
तुकांत शब्द: Wiehlel Wiehlerr Wyehler Vviehler Wjehler Weehler Wiehlera Weihler Wiehlre Wiehelr

तुकांत शब्द: Mahler Adler Butler Chandler Chrysler Daimler Doppler dealer healer sealer feeler peeler

अज्ञात मतलब है
Frank Wiehler says: The Wiehler Family is of anabaptist / mennonite origin. The the roots of the family are to be found in Switzerland, in the alpine region around Bern. Refusing to baptize their children or to do military service for religious reasons they became martyrs. Barbeli Wilher and Hans Willer were executed as anabaptists by the Bern authorities in 1537 reps. 1538 (Martyr's Mirror, page 621). Other members of the family escaped from swiss intolerance to the Netherlands and to Prussia. Other traces of the family history can be found in the delta of the Vistula river, near the city of Danzig/Gdansk. The publication by Frank Wiehler, a retired EU civil servant, is describing the living condition of the Wiehler-Family arriving as religious refugees, as mennonites, around 1652 in Elbing-Ellerwald. There they were tolerated to live their religion, but when the Prussian government introduced obligatory military service parts of the family emigrated to Russia. Those who kept on staying in Germany later became successful farmers and integrated into their German-lutheran environment. The presence of the Wiehler Family in the Danzig area lasted almost 300 years and ended suddenly in 1945, when the family, like all Germans, regardless of their political or religious convictions, was expelled from their homes and farms as a result of WW II, started by Germany. Hundreds of family members lost their lives, others arrived as landless refugees in West Germany. Many emigrated to Canada. The history book, 297 pages, is bilingual (German-English) and contains in addition portraits of family members and a complete genealogy of the descendants of Nikolaus Wiehler born in 1802 in Lichtfelde, Westpreussen and his wife Catherina, née Allert, as well as many photos and documents related to the history of the family.

यह पेज निम्नलिखित देशों से देखा गया है: United States Germany Canada United Kingdom Zimbabwe Thailand Luxembourg China Romania Russian Federation Switzerland

Wiehler.com - REGISTERED
Wiehler.net - FREE
Wiehler.co.uk - FREE
Wiehler.de - REGISTERED

प्रसिद्ध लोग: Hans Joachim Wiehler, Zygmunt Wiehler

लेखक: Stephan Wiehler, Gerhard Wiehler

हाल ही में की गई खोजें: Janir Pesavento Abeyawardene Skeffers Altan Ranghella Karacheban Haddag Chizue Kohzad
सबसे ज्यादा खोजे गए नाम: Brian Evans Suchocki Dragos Davide Vitelaru Martin Ali Aaishah Zrubek
यादृच्छिक नाम: Alangari Veeravenkata Adelin Wywijas Manato Seyid Zunguza Cristhophe Leotin Rachmann

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