Pasculescu नाम का अर्थ तथा आंकड़े

प्रयोग: 0% पहला नाम, 100% उपनाम।.
1 विभिन्न देशों में, 1 बार, Pasculescu पहला नाम पाया गया। (USA)
कम से कम 5 देशों में, न्यूनतम 215 बार, Pasculescu उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग होता पाया गया है।
इस नाम की उत्पत्ति Romanian है।.

      Surname Pasculescu
दिए गए नाम
Maria Pasculescu (9)
Vasile Pasculescu (8)
Nicolae Pasculescu (8)
Gheorghe Pasculescu (8)
Constantin Pasculescu (6)
Rodica Pasculescu (6)
Tudor Pasculescu (5)
Ecaterina Pasculescu (4)
Mihai Pasculescu (4)
Dan Pasculescu (4)
Dimitrie Pasculescu (4)
Liviu Pasculescu (4)
Radu Pasculescu (3)
Lucretia Pasculescu (3)
Gica Pasculescu (3)
Floare Pasculescu (3)
Ana Pasculescu (3)
Florin Pasculescu (3)
Teodor Pasculescu (3)
Dumitru Pasculescu (3)
Ion Pasculescu (2)
Atena Pasculescu (2)
Pelagia Pasculescu (2)
Lia Pasculescu (2)
Nesia Pasculescu (2)
Elisabeta Pasculescu (2)
Virgil Pasculescu (2)
Codru Pasculescu (2)
Agnesa Pasculescu (2)
Adriana Pasculescu (2)
Mircea Pasculescu (2)
Horia Pasculescu (2)
Gherghina Pasculescu (2)
Nicolita Pasculescu (2)
Virginia Pasculescu (2)
Ilie Pasculescu (2)
Marian Pasculescu (2)
Bogdan Pasculescu (2)
Chirica Pasculescu (2)
Lenuta Pasculescu (2)
Mariana Pasculescu (2)
Gigel Pasculescu (2)
Ioana Pasculescu (2)
Saveta Pasculescu (2)
Paulina Pasculescu (2)
Marius Pasculescu (2)
Eugeniu Pasculescu (2)
Gabriela Pasculescu (2)
Adrian Pasculescu (2)
Alexandrina Pasculescu (2)
Lucian Pasculescu (1)
Catalin Pasculescu (1)
George Pasculescu (1)
Elefterie Pasculescu (1)
Leonida Pasculescu (1)
Raluca Pasculescu (1)
Nelu Pasculescu (1)
Mihaela Pasculescu (1)
Nela Pasculescu (1)
Dorina Pasculescu (1)
Genovia Pasculescu (1)
Francisca Pasculescu (1)
Monica Pasculescu (1)
Cornel Pasculescu (1)
Horatiu Pasculescu (1)
Doina Pasculescu (1)
Veta Pasculescu (1)
Policsenia Pasculescu (1)
Elena Pasculescu (1)
Emil Pasculescu (1)
Emilia Pasculescu (1)
Aurelian Pasculescu (1)
Ciprian Pasculescu (1)
Stefan Pasculescu (1)
Nicu Pasculescu (1)
Petronela Pasculescu (1)
Stefania Pasculescu (1)
Petru Pasculescu (1)
Ioan Pasculescu (1)
Cornelia Pasculescu (1)

Pasculescu का उल्टा Ucselucsapहोता है
इस नाम में 10 अक्षर हैं, जिनमें से 40.00% स्वर और 60.00% व्यंजन हैं।

विपर्यय: Cuapelcuss
तुकांत शब्द: Posculescu Passculescu Pasculescua Psaculescu Pasculesuc Pasculecsu

तुकांत शब्द: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu

Pasculescu नाम का अर्थ है:from the name [Pascu] plus the suffix '-escu' ; see also the toponymic name 'Păsculeşti'; Pasculescu , Păsculescu
यह पेज निम्नलिखित देशों से देखा गया है: United States Romania France Canada Norway United Kingdom Germany Italy Netherlands Thailand Slovenia Switzerland Satellite Provider Europe

डोमेन: - FREE - FREE - FREE - FREE

Old Wiki
Name: Pasculescu
Language: Romanian
Meaning: from the name Pascu plus the suffix -escu ; see also the toponymic name Păsculeşti
Comments: Pasculescu , Păsculescu

हाल ही में की गई खोजें: Janir Pesavento Abeyawardene Skeffers Altan Ranghella Karacheban Haddag Chizue Kohzad
सबसे ज्यादा खोजे गए नाम: Brian Evans Suchocki Dragos Davide Vitelaru Martin Ali Search Mudda
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