Fretwurst नाम का अर्थ तथा आंकड़े

We have no records about Fretwurst being used as firstname.
कम से कम 4 देशों में, न्यूनतम 13 बार, Fretwurst उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग होता पाया गया है।

      Surname Fretwurst
दिए गए नाम
Jan Fretwurst (2)
Ragnhild Fretwurst (1)
Erik Fretwurst (1)
Ralph Fretwurst (1)

Surname Fretwurst in USA   

Fretwurst का उल्टा Tsruwterfहोता है
इस नाम में 9 अक्षर हैं, जिनमें से 22.22% स्वर और 77.78% व्यंजन हैं।

तुकांत शब्द: Fletwurst Frretwurst Fretwursst Fretvvurst Fretwursta Fertwurst Fretwurts Fretwusrt

तुकांत शब्द: knackwurst knockwurst liverwurst Hurst Pankhurst burst cloudburst networked sweatshirt effort desert excerpt

अज्ञात मतलब है
Thomas Fretwurst says: 1. The name is of Low Saxon/Low German origin. 'Fret' derives from the Low Saxon verb 'freten' meaning 'to eat'. 'wurst' meaning 'wurst' (i.e. 'sausage'). It's assumed that it is a short form of a good wish or blessing of a newborn ('Mögest du immer ausreichend [Wurst] zu essen haben/May you always have enough [meat] to eat'). I read this once in a lexicon about german names. 2. According to oral tradition in my family, the name is the result of a bad translation from Low Saxon to German. The origin would be 'Friewurt'. 'frie' meaning 'free' and 'wurt' meaning 'dwelling mound' or 'Hofstatt/farmstead' respectively 'Boden/soil' in general. The name would then refer to 'a free man who lives on his own land'. Looking at the "birthplace" of the name (modern day Mecklenburg-Vorpommern) this oral tradition could be correct. Or it is just a made up story because the meaning (see 1.) got lost over the centuries and someone thought the meaning of the name would be something like 'Wurstfresser/sausage eater') and didn't like it.

यह पेज निम्नलिखित देशों से देखा गया है: United States Germany Canada


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