Deda नाम का अर्थ तथा आंकड़े

प्रयोग: 27% पहला नाम, 73% उपनाम।.
21 विभिन्न देशों में, 297 बार, Deda पहला नाम पाया गया।
कम से कम 29 देशों में, न्यूनतम 773 बार, Deda उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग होता पाया गया है।
इस नाम की उत्पत्ति Slavonic है।.
जिन लोगों का पहला नाम Deda है, उनमें 100% स्त्री और 0% मर्द हैं।
Name written with Chinese letters: 德达 (pinyin: dé dá)

      Surname Deda
दिए गए नाम
Maria Deda (11)
Nicolae Deda (6)
Krystyna Deda (5)
Stere Deda (4)
Rafal Deda (3)
Paulin Deda (3)
Mario Deda (3)
Franciszek Deda (3)
Marian Deda (3)
Albert Deda (3)
Cliff Deda (3)
Tadeusz Deda (3)
Febi Deda (3)
Giuseppina Deda (3)
Peter Deda (2)
Sokol Deda (2)
Luan Deda (2)
George Deda (2)
Cynthia Deda (2)
Marcel Deda (2)
Mjaftime Deda (2)
Arben Deda (2)
Vincenzo Deda (2)
Giovanni Deda (2)
Andreja Deda (2)
Wladyslawa Deda (2)
Roman Deda (2)
Jozef Deda (2)
Wanda Deda (2)
Kestrine Deda (2)
Ndue Deda (2)
Roza Deda (2)
Helena Deda (2)
Eugeniusz Deda (2)
Pjeter Deda (2)
Merita Deda (2)
Fiqret Deda (2)
Joachim Deda (2)
Cecylia Deda (2)
Rudolf Deda (2)
Isah Deda (2)
Pal Deda (2)
Elena Deda (2)
Arjan Deda (2)
Bilbil Deda (2)
Bardhok Deda (2)
Besnik Deda (2)
Artan Deda (2)
Iosif Deda (2)
Constantin Deda (2)
Christine Deda (2)
Edmond Deda (1)
Jolanta Deda (1)
Wladyslaw Deda (1)
Halina Deda (1)
Czeslaw Deda (1)
Theodor Deda (1)
Genowefa Deda (1)
Adriana Deda (1)
Aniela Deda (1)
Gabriela Deda (1)
Daniel Deda (1)
Stefan Deda (1)
Bernard Deda (1)
Elzbieta Deda (1)
Antonina Deda (1)
Daria Deda (1)
Shahe Deda (1)
Bernd Deda (1)
Bozena Deda (1)
Doris Deda (1)
Drita Deda (1)
Bairam Deda (1)
Avni Deda (1)
Zoja Deda (1)
Andreas Deda (1)
Ovidiu Deda (1)
Eugen Deda (1)
Franz Deda (1)
Petra Deda (1)
Greta Deda (1)
Costica Deda (1)
Michael Deda (1)
Mexhid Deda (1)
Herbert Deda (1)
Ionelia Deda (1)
Klaus Deda (1)
Sinan Deda (1)
Arian Deda (1)
Dashamir Deda (1)
Filiz Deda (1)
Frrok Deda (1)
Marije Deda (1)
Liza Deda (1)
Ralph Deda (1)
Preke Deda (1)
Dede Deda (1)
Gjon Deda (1)
Krist Deda (1)
Martin Deda (1)
Sami Deda (1)
Tamara Deda (1)
Dragica Deda (1)
Ramadan Deda (1)
Stephen Deda (1)
Nikola Deda (1)
Pashk Deda (1)
Frok Deda (1)
Ded Deda (1)
Ariana Deda (1)
Zygmunt Deda (1)
Renata Deda (1)
Stefania Deda (1)
Enkeleda Deda (1)
Lilianna Deda (1)
Renate Deda (1)
Otylia Deda (1)
Adela Deda (1)
Danuta Deda (1)
Pawel Deda (1)
Joseph Deda (1)
Wlodzimierz Deda (1)
Miroslaw Deda (1)
Mieczyslaw Deda (1)
Ewa Deda (1)
Iwona Deda (1)
Krzysztof Deda (1)
Costea Deda (1)
Saip Deda (1)
Mirsime Deda (1)
Naile Deda (1)
Nila Deda (1)
Astrit Deda (1)
Mirisme Deda (1)
Marina Deda (1)
Lijan Deda (1)
Lulzim Deda (1)
Benny Deda (1)
Arti Deda (1)
Vjollca Deda (1)
Carlo Deda (1)
Ciro Deda (1)
Clementino Deda (1)
Aurora Deda (1)
Antonio Deda (1)
Wilmah Deda (1)
Alfred Deda (1)
Angelo Deda (1)
Leon Deda (1)
Lefteri Deda (1)
Eduard Deda (1)
Elizabeth Deda (1)
Eliza Deda (1)
Edi Deda (1)
Duke Deda (1)
Chris Deda (1)
Deborah Deda (1)
Deji Deda (1)
Erdion Deda (1)
Erjona Deda (1)
Gjergj Deda (1)
Irena Deda (1)
Irma Deda (1)
Gezim Deda (1)
Ferdinand Deda (1)
Ermal Deda (1)
Fatmir Deda (1)
Bujar Deda (1)
Danilo Deda (1)
Dorjana Deda (1)
Adriatik Deda (1)
Walter Deda (1)
Zef Deda (1)
Veronica Deda (1)
Vasil Deda (1)
Rosa Deda (1)
Tonin Deda (1)
Valentina Deda (1)
Adrian Deda (1)
Margarita Deda (1)
Ortensa Deda (1)
Eugene Deda (1)
Kristina Deda (1)
Selami Deda (1)
Shpetim Deda (1)
Valerica Deda (1)
Onur Deda (1)
Roger Deda (1)
Riccardo Deda (1)
Agim Deda (1)
Italo Deda (1)
Kastriot Deda (1)
Kreshnik Deda (1)
Ilir Deda (1)
Gjovalin Deda (1)
Arradiusz Deda (1)
Giuseppe Deda (1)
Arkadiusz Deda (1)
Ludovick Deda (1)
Marco Deda (1)

Given name Deda
परिवार के नाम
Deda Jakaj (2)
Deda Pedrazzini (2)
Deda Shkreli (2)
Deda Shillaku (1)
Deda Shllaku (1)
Deda Farkasne (1)
Deda Zobic (1)
Deda Doda (1)
Deda Dokaj (1)
Deda Gjokaj (1)
Deda Selmanaj (1)
Deda Krasnic (1)
Deda Rasi (1)
Deda Prenaj (1)
Deda Gjoka (1)
Deda Nuic (1)
Deda Dokic (1)
Deda Dedax (1)
Deda Francisc (1)
Deda Kranczyk (1)
Deda Datau (1)
Deda Artan (1)
Deda Elezovic (1)
Deda Mraz (1)
Deda Prela (1)
Deda Dasra (1)
Deda Gagnon (1)
Deda Mattazzi (1)
Deda Donadel (1)
Deda Sowemimo (1)
Deda Dedvukaj (1)

Surname Deda in Croatia   Surname Deda in France   Surname Deda in Germany   Surname Deda in Italy   Surname Deda in Poland   
Surname Deda in Switzerland   Surname Deda in USA   

Deda का उल्टा Adedहोता है
इस नाम में 4 अक्षर हैं, जिनमें से 50.00% स्वर और 50.00% व्यंजन हैं।

विपर्यय: Dead Ddea Edad Adde Dade Aded Aedd Edda
तुकांत शब्द: Dedo Dedaa Ddea Dead

तुकांत शब्द: Alfreda Andromeda Ayurveda Castaneda Freda Frieda Leda deja cheetah pita meta feta

Deda नाम का अर्थ है:identical to the Slavonic name 'Deda'; see also [Dedu]
यह पेज निम्नलिखित देशों से देखा गया है: United States Egypt Germany Switzerland Algeria Saudi Arabia United Kingdom Poland Austria Albania Canada France Iraq Sudan Thailand United Arab Emirates Norway Syrian Arab Republic Turkey Kuwait Italy Philippines Georgia Lebanon Netherlands Israel Palestinian Territory Brazil Oman South Africa Croatia Romania India Jordan Slovakia Belgium Ireland Europe Hong Kong Australia Sweden Ghana Montenegro Ukraine


Old Wiki
Name: Deda
Language: Romanian
Origin: Slavonic
Meaning: identical to the Slavonic name Deda; see also Dedu

प्रसिद्ध लोग: Georgios Dedas, Elton Deda

लेखक: Deda Bonura

हाल ही में की गई खोजें: Janir Pesavento Abeyawardene Skeffers Altan Ranghella Karacheban Haddag Chizue Kohzad
सबसे ज्यादा खोजे गए नाम: Brian Evans Suchocki Dragos Davide Vitelaru Martin Ali Search Mudda
यादृच्छिक नाम: Annisetta Marczinek Anichiti Peruc Bachnetzer Kornychuk Gorz Cyres Vedelia Nehdi

क्या आप इस अर्थ के बारे में अधिक जानते हैं
या इस नाम की उत्पत्ति के बारे में?
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