Corsepius नाम का अर्थ तथा आंकड़े

We have no records about Corsepius being used as firstname.
कम से कम 4 देशों में, न्यूनतम 22 बार, Corsepius उपनाम के रूप में प्रयोग होता पाया गया है।

      Surname Corsepius
दिए गए नाम
Brigitte Corsepius (2)
Stephan Corsepius (1)
Stefan Corsepius (1)
Sven Corsepius (1)
Siri Corsepius (1)
Yolanda Corsepius (1)
Sabine Corsepius (1)
Wolfgang Corsepius (1)
Jens Corsepius (1)
Detlev Corsepius (1)
Antonia Corsepius (1)
Dieter Corsepius (1)
Gudrun Corsepius (1)
Alice Corsepius (1)
Hildegard Corsepius (1)
Ronald Corsepius (1)

Surname Corsepius in Germany   Surname Corsepius in USA   

Corsepius का उल्टा Suipesrocहोता है
इस नाम में 9 अक्षर हैं, जिनमें से 44.44% स्वर और 55.56% व्यंजन हैं।

विपर्यय: Cosrisupe Irpousces
तुकांत शब्द: Colsepius Corrsepius Corssepius Corsepyus Corsepjus Corsepeus Corsepiusa Crosepius Corsepisu Corsepuis

तुकांत शब्द: Aesculapius Gropius Scorpius Antonius Apuleius Aquarius bias pious impious rupiahs chlamydias

अज्ञात मतलब है
Yolanda Corsépius says: The first Person had the name Korsepske and fled from Hungary during the persecution of the protestants - he was a "father"- to Königsberg in East Prussia, Königsberg (now Kaliningrad) and changed the name to Corsépius (latinisation like Erasmus in the Renaisance)All the Corsepius. All Corsepius descend from him but none are found now in the Polish district were most of them lived.

यह पेज निम्नलिखित देशों से देखा गया है: Germany United States Portugal France Norway Switzerland Spain Czech Republic Hungary Thailand Austria Netherlands United Kingdom Australia Canada China


प्रसिद्ध लोग: Uwe Corsepius

लेखक: Uwe Corsepius, Katharina Corsepius

हाल ही में की गई खोजें: Janir Pesavento Abeyawardene Skeffers Altan Ranghella Karacheban Haddag Chizue Kohzad
सबसे ज्यादा खोजे गए नाम: Brian Evans Suchocki Dragos Davide Vitelaru Martin Ali Aaishah Zrubek
यादृच्छिक नाम: Joonas Staubach Lauterhahn Kopyscianska Nechanicky Zhaira Derille Botoca Allester Readye

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